Thursday, November 17, 2011

Pinterest Thursday {#2}

Today is Pinterest Thursday! I have some awesome pins I want to share with you!

39 most Common Cooking Mistakes. Lots of good info, for any level cook.

Source: via Amber on Pinterest

Amazing centerpiece to a home...a project of mine now.

An awesome take on a new etching project! STARS!

The gorgeous Blake Lively and her HAIR...I'll be recreating this in the future!

6 reasons why we should all drink more Lemon Water...I've officially started this. I've always loved water, but I'm pretty sure I'm kicking sodas to the curb now. Don't wait until New Years to start this. Start TODAY!

Next week, I have a few projects to share with you that I've remade from pinterest inspiration. If you don't have a Pinterest or if you do and don't understand it or don't enjoy it, please let me know. I'll convince you otherwise. Again, there is no obligation to join Pinterest. I'm asking you to jump on the band-wagon because I love seeing other people's pins. I love seeing awesome ideas and inspirations!

I hope you all have an awesome Thursday!


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  1. New to your blog...big congrats on getting married! You looked beautiful :)

  2. Pinterest is so awesome! I loved the cooking tips, and found the lemon water very interesting! I totally need to kick the soda habit, so maybe that's something that would help!


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