Friday, November 11, 2011


The other day when Hubs was processing his deer, I was itching to do a project of some sort. Just a simple one. I've etched glasses before for gifts, but I never took pictures of them :(  I wish I would have, to show you all how awesome they looked!

I love etching glass. It's such a neat process and the results are beautiful! I had an extra wine glass leftover from a previous blowout with a bridesmaid {long story, not worth wasting my time over}. So I thought it would be perfect for this project to get rid of the initial.

I decided to etch the entire top of the wine glass...see!

frosted wine glass
And then I moved on to an extra wine bottle I had laying around. I loved that it was green with a red wax strip on the top. Perfect for Christmas decor! I wanted to pattern the bottle somehow. So I brought out the Scotch tape and made a design. I just ran the tape diagonally around the bottle. And repeated to fill the space left. 4 pieces of tape later, I had my pattern! Simple.

In the picture below, it looks like a cross-hatch pattern, but its not. The last picture shows the pattern much better. I had to take the picture in a dark room with the flash so that it would show the front side.

frosted wine glass & etched wine bottle

*with flash* {ignore the cork sitting in the bottom of it, I can't get it out}
See! Perfect Christmas decor right?! Now, what do I do with it? I'm thinking some Christmas lights will go in there and look even better!

I have tons more projects to do with etching and plan on showing you all later!

Tonight we're off the see my cousin, Clay, play one of his last games of high school football. Tomorrow we're headed to go see the Sam Houston Bearkats football game too. My dad is a Sam Grad, so it's almost tradition that we go see one game a year!

Have a blessed weekend!


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1 comment:

  1. I have everything to etch with my mom gave me. I have yet to try it out. I like the pattern on the bottle sorta like a candy cane :)


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