Friday, May 27, 2011

Who needs a silly APPENDIX? {part II}

 This is my continued story from yesterday about my emergency appendectomy. Go see Part I of this story!
 Brian and I with the gorgeous plan he got me right before surgery!
 They started wheeling me away! He snapped pics, thank goodness!
They took me downstairs and I started to get nervous {see in the pic above, yah, lots of praying, and breathing happened at this moment.} Then I started crying once my parents and Brian had to leave me. I was knocked out quick. I remember getting on the operating table and that was it.  The surgery was laproscopic, which meant that they went through my belly-button and two other small incisions. Minimal scarring is the best way to put it. However, when you have junk, such as extra cushion like me, it takes a little bit longer to find an appendix, lol. I apparently have a small abdominal cavity too. The surgery took an hour, and went very well. My appendix was definitely the problem. It was inflamed and infected, and within a few days would have ruptured *gross*.

After surgery, it was all kinda blurry. I remember alot of people in my room when I got back, and it was loud. I wanted Brian right away, and him, my mom, and my dad stood by my side immediately. I called out for Brian and he said he almost started tearing up. I'm sure I looked horrible when I came out. I was doped up, and had an oxygen mask on. Scary.

Most everyone left the room after my mom asked them to. I was tired, blacking out, and wanted to sleep. I got up to use the restroom within an hour of the surgery, and ended up not using the restroom, but getting sick to my stomach instead. My mom was terrified and thought that something was really wrong. I was vomiting from the anesthesia, and it was totally normal. 

Family started trickling in and out, and then they all left. It was great to have them there. It meant the world to me and I joked before surgery several times that they were my 'entourage'. 

I finally had a liquid meal of chicken broth, and orange jello. I became obsessed with that jello. It was so good to finally have something in my stomach again after another full day of no food. 

I slept most of the night, it was split up in two periods of time by the nurses coming in to check my vitals and my draining my overflowing bladder from the IV! I had some severe pain, and was starting to feel my incisions throughout the night, and had to have pain meds, as well as gas meds too. I got addicted to graham crackers and peanut butter as well as the orange jello. Apparently those are great things to eat after surgery!
 Brian was with me the entire night, holding my hand, and taking care of my every need. He is such an amazing man, and I could not imagine how scared he was. Our relationship grew a bit stronger after this past week {even though I thought I couldn't possibly love him any more than I already did.} My cup runneth over.

The next day we waited and waited for word about when I would be going home. I had a solid meal of toast, canadian bacon, and more jello, of course. {I'm starting to want orange jello yet again.} We finally got the word, and we took off to El Campo.

I slept alot of the weekend, napping, watching videos, and taking a good rest per doctors orders. Brian and I had to get out of the house on Saturday so we went and saw the new Pirates movie. It was good, not great, but good. I wore myself out and we took it easy Sunday and Monday. Tuesday was my post-op check up with my amazing doctor from the University of Texas. He told me all was well, and that I should be back to my normal self within 2-3 weeks! YAY!
I've been doing well, and was humbled by all of the wonderful love that was expressed during this time...I have great family and friends, nuff said. God was watching over me, and I thank Him so much for letting me continue on with my life. 
Here are some more pics of the flowers...I edited these with Instagram on my iPhone 4 of course, lol!


1 comment:

  1. Wow, I just read your whole story! How crazy is it that something so small can cause such big problems!? It reminds me of my gallbladder surgery! For almost a year I would wake up in the middle of the night with extreme pain and pressure right under my rib cage. Eventually I had one happen that was so bad I really thought I was having a heart attack! Halfway to the hospital, the pain just stopped, but we went anyway. They figured it was my gallbladder, and I had laproscopic surgery that sounds just like what you had!! Through the belly button and two other places. When I woke up, I remember almost everything. I was supposed to stay the night, but I felt good enough to go home. Apparently I have a "high" pain tolerance! I'm so glad they found out what it was and got it fixed!! Even better it's before wedding time!! Keep recovering and get well soon!!


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