Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I'm a Sponsor {cont'd}

So, I let my puppies in the house, and Tori girl jumped up on my couch while I had this post up, just waiting to be completed. She pushed a button, and it PUBLISHED the previous post....hmmmm great...
{you can't see it now, because I wrote over it, but if you use a reader such as google, you probably saw it}

I was so getting a head start at writing my post for Thursday when I'm actually going to be sponsored. Hubs-to-be comes home Thursday, I'll be busy shopping, cooking, and spending quality time with him! I thought writing it over tonight and tomorrow would be the best option...

Tori jumped the gun for me! Ugh!

Now, for what I meant to be said on Thursday is, I'm a sponsor over


I will be her sponsor for the rest of this month! At the end of the month, we'll have a surprise for you!

Go over NOW and visit her awesomely lovely blog!

Some more about Sam @ The Junk House

She's a 20-something living from Arizona. She just moved from a 1-bedroom apartment to her very own 3-bedroom/2-bath house! She has big plans, but a small budget. She has been thrifitng, craiglisting, yard saling, hot gluing, begging and borrowing her way to a fully furnished, beautiful new house!
She's a super sweet girl and has given me such a great opportunity!
Great thing is, she's asking for other sponsors as well. Go visit her Sponsor post to find out more! You could be a sponsor for The Junk House too!

Keep up with her as well to find out what we have in store for our readers!

I have to say, that this button is how it makes me feel. I just hope that's what Sam thinks!


1 comment:

  1. Ha! I love that your puppy posted this for you! I'm excited too and I'm glad you grabbed that button! Definitely awesome!


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