Friday, March 20, 2015

Long days and longer nights!

It's been a whole new journey having two boys under two-years-old. 

My days are long, and my nights are even longer. Sleep deprivation and exhaustion have kicked in, and my mombie way of life is in full swing! Whew!

Nolan's reflux is barely manageable and toddler tantrums are increasing daily. 

However, I've never been happier in my life than right now. I am beyond blessed to have these boys as my children, and my dream of becoming a wife & a mom has come true. My husband is amazing and the best partner I could ever ask for. I'm so proud of all the hard work he does for us at home & beyond. Incredible is what he is, and it humbles me that's he's put up with all of my crap these past 11 years. The tears, the nagging, the drama, etc. I'm a handful and I know it. It can't be easy loving me, but I pray that it's worth it for the rest of our lives. God has poured his blessings upon me, and I can't ever praise him enough! 

Even though I'm completely exhausted, I'm still grateful for what I have. My life is nowhere near perfect. My finances are never in order, my house is a wreck with toys everywhere & dirty dishes piled in the sink. My bedroom hasn't been cleaned in two years, and I'm finally ok with it. I don't have time, right now, to do these things and live a life where my family is a priority. So I've chosen my battle: be happy with the things and people I have in my life, and the rest (like a clean house) will come later.

That's all for tonight. Night night for the next two hours until Thing 2 wakes up again, or who knows it could be Thing 1, haha!

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