I recently was...and it's still a fresh wound that aches and wears at me.
I haven't been blogging due to these conflicts, however, I realized that I shouldn't let one person affect me so.
I can't go into it, because I believe in taking a higher road, and that talking to the good Lord above will heal my troubled heart. I've forgiven this person, in fact I forgave them before it even happened, because I loved them, and their spirit will never leave my heart. I refuse to lash out, because know one deserves that, and I would just be fueling the fire, a very big fire.
I've chosen to step back, assess the situation and Let Go Let God!
God planned this; it was in His book before I was ever thought of.
I've been confused, frustrated, and disappointed several times over the past few months. My heart hurts. How quickly good memories and priceless moments chiseled in my heart have been overpowered by cruel words and hatred. But these trials were His way of molding me into a better child of His. Thank you, Lord.
Our King has shone his light on my heart these past few days and he led me to some powerful healing words to meditate on.
{the following I've found through pinterest and a daily motivational website: http://spiritualinspiration.tumblr.com}

"God wants us to grow and increase in every area. Change is often a catalyst for growth in our lives, and it keeps up from getting stuck in a rut. To help keep us on our path toward our destiny, God will supernaturally open and close doors of opportunity. He will 'stir us' out of comfortable situations and stretch us because He loves us too much to allow us to live in mediocrity."
{Thank you, to the family and friends who have supported me throughout this circumstance. What a blessing you have all been. Thank you to my future husband, for everything. I am truly blessed, and now see that my life is better off without this, that is now the past.}
For Now & God Bless
I am so sorry to hear your going through such difficult trials. It sounds like you are being very mature under the circumstances, which I know can be SO difficult at times! I absolutely love, love, love these quotes! They bring such calm to my heart, to know God is so great, and we really just need to give it all to Him! I'll be praying for you!!
ReplyDeleteI have been there before and it hurts and it will hurt for a while. It will get better, it might take days or years. In my case after 5 years we finally are talking again. Hopefully for you it wont take that long and just trust in God. Praying for you.