I'm RESHAPING my life...and I'm encouraging you to do so with me!

Earlier this week I joined the 65 days to Reshaping It Allbased from the book by Candace Cameron Bure {aka DJ Tanner from 'Full House'}and Darlene Schacht {aka Time-Warp Wife}
both amazing women who have inspired for a good 6 months nowI ordered the book on Sunday when I found out about this event
on Day 5 Darlene hit home for me when she refferred to the book
For those of us hoping to lose weight, let's consider page 14. Candace says that diets usually fail for one of three reasons: No Pain No Gain. We choose to sprint instead of training for the long run. We're Spoiled. We try to change only the food that we eat instead of changing our mind-set. Lack of Conviction. We don't truly believe that the benefits are worth the effort it takes to get us there.
Other things that have stuck in my mind over the past few days with this 'challenge':
No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. ~ Hebrews 12:11
HALT- are you Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired? If you are hungry than proceed but if you are responding to an emotion than HALT! Candace's secret to success: putting God first in our plan to lose weight. Really, all else is second isn't it?
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. ~ Galatians 6:9, NIV Darlene challenged us to sit down and write 4-5 things that we would like to reshape in our lives. Here are mine...
1. Reshape my faith with the Lord, it's always in need of improvement.2. Reshape my body to become healthy, not a size 4, but healthy for me.3. Reshape my home, it need some organizing and attention as always.4. Reshape my habits and routines, eating, cleaning, sleeping, etc.
Join us, you won't regret it!If you plan on joining us, don't forget to use the #reshapingitall hashtag when you use twitter!
I am with you! I am loving the books and the wisdom I am getting from fellow bloggers and the book!