Monday, March 7, 2011

updates & linky's

hello my lovely readers

do you like linky parties?
do you like giveaways?
well, you can have both this week
order of business #1
I am 3, yes three posts away from my 100th post and in honor of celebrating it
i'm having my first GIVEAWAY!!!


yes, you read it right a GIVEAWAY!
no, you won't find out about any details until the day of...mmmmwwwwahahaha
i'm keeping the giveaway details a secret
curiosity taking over yet?
...keep your eyes peeled this week for when the giveaway posts

order of business #2
SJ @ Homemaker on a Dime is doing her monthly linky party, which this post is linked to.
Go link up, gain new followers, new ideas, new bloggy friends, it'll warm your heart! click SJ's button below to visit the link up.
SJ's blog is one of my fave's
{not just because she has a linky party, jeez i'm not that shallow, lol}
she gives me motivation...
to blog the way I want
to craft
to do diy projects
to find blogs that interest me
to make new bloggy friends
oh, and to join her linky party, haha
Be sure to follow her to get awesome blog eye candy
and some amazing motivation to do all things blogger!
 For my NEW READERS...

be sure to become a follower so you can get all of the info about the upcoming giveaway
visit my multiple pages under my header to learn more about me
take a look at my categories section and see if there is anything in there that you're interested about
visit some of my past posts
my many recipes
my obsession with an iPhone photo app
our wedding inspiration boards
wedding shows & expos
finding 'THE' wedding gown
and to learn more about this blog....
view our wedding website
my etsy shop
or just read about me on my about page
stay a while, enjoy my blog, and feel free to comment!


  1. Thank you for following me! I am now following you as well, Your blog looks great and I can't wait to read more!!

  2. Stopping in from SJ's blog swap and cant wait to read more of your blog posts. I am a new follower.

  3. Your blog is about to be FOLLOWED!! haha. found ya at the blog hop and can't wait to see what you are giving away!

    Christine @

  4. Cute blog and congrats on nearing 100 (posts, that is). Hopped over from Homemake and have become and friend and follower. Hoping you will visit and do the same. Blog on!

  5. Hi! Thanks for following my blog. Congrats on (almost) 100 posts! I think I'll go explore some of them...

  6. Thanks for the love! Really appreciate the shoutout :) Hope you had a blast in our linky party.

    Thanks for joining our Swap Followings Linky Party and helping make it a success! Hope you'll link up again next month :)


Leave me some LOVIN!